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Sept/Oct Customer Newsletter

Your OLWS Bill
With the recent rate increase as of July 1, 2023, the Board has set a goal to move to monthly billing. Right now, nearly all OLWS customers receive a bi-monthly bill. OLWS will keep you updated as we work to transition to monthly billing. If you would like to start monthly payments now, please contact a Billing Specialist by email at or call (503) 654-7765.

We’re Investing in Our Infrastructure to Comply with State Regulations
We want to keep you updated on active projects in our community. OLWS’ wastewater treatment facility needs a significant upgrade to comply with new Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) standards for discharge in the Willamette River. The most pressing needs are:

  1. building a third level of treatment called a tertiary filtration facility at the existing OLWS Wastewater Treatment Plant, and
  2. reducing inflow and infiltration in the wastewater collections system. This will help prevent sanitary sewer overflows, alleviate undue pressure on the entire system, thereby extending the life of the wastewater treatment plant and collections system.

You have the opportunity to see the inside of the tertiary filtration facility by taking a virtual tour:

To read the full OLWS September/October Customer Newsletter, click here

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