Monday, April 25, 2022. It's Water Week
Water Week (April 24 – 30) marks when water professionals from around the country advocate to federally elected officials and key policymakers the importance of ensuring all communities have access to safe, reliable, and affordable drinking water.
Our country’s infrastructure continues to be front-page news, especially since the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. While this may be the first time you’ve thought about what goes on behind the scenes to bring you safe reliable drinking water, it’s something water providers think about every day.
Check out Drinking Water by the Numbers below to learn more about the infrastructure that water providers across the Portland Metro area build, repair, and maintain every day: pipes, fire hydrants, pump stations, and reservoirs.
You can also help to ensure a long-term, reliable water supply too by conserving water at home, protecting water at the source, and learning about our region’s water.